KSS Cattle Company
In 1972, as a means of helping young agriculture students understand and appreciate the cattle business, Nick Kalyk personally borrowed thousand of dollars from his bank and established the KSS Cattle Company. Young steers were purchased and arrangements were made with the Exhibition Society to quarter the cattle on land adjacent to the Lansdowne Street Exhibition Grounds. Students committed to feeding the animals before school, after school, on week-ends and during school holidays. The proprietor of Purity Feeds, Sandy McCurrach, a friend of Nick’s, provided feed and advice. Don Olson, a local veterinarian, provided medical support to the animals and advice to the agriculture teacher and students. Many other local business people and ranchers actively supported the cattle company and the efforts of students. The steers were fattened over the winter and then sold during the Spring Bull and Fat Stock Show at the KXA. Profits went to pay expenses and enhance the school’s agriculture program.
The Cattle Company and Rodeo Club were the foundation of many life long friendships and the beginning of many business careers. The Cattle Company and the Rodeo Club gave personal meaning to education to many young adults. Active involvement in their education kept many in school who otherwise might have dropped out. Well before the Sullivan Commission identified the importance of learners being empowered in a practical way, participants in the KSS agriculture programs were learning about and experiencing “the real world”.
One memorable experience during the early years of the KSS Cattle Company was the escape of four steers. Three were caught on Lansdowne Street and returned to their feeding lot. A forth was last seen on a cold winter day running towards the river with teacher Nick Kalyk, jacket flying in the wind, in hot pursuit. The steer jumped into the river and disappeared. It was a few years later that the animal, still branded with the KSS brand was identified in a local ranchers herd.
The KSS Cattle Co., otherwise known as Agriculture 11 at the Kamloops Secondary School, did very well at the annual Bull Sale and Fat Stock Show. The class, which entered for the first time last year with only one steer, this year had 10 entries and ended up with a fist full of ribbons including the boys and girls reserve champion. Pictured is part of the Company, from the left: Shirley Corbould; Evelyn Langlois; Nick Kaylk (instructor); Trudy Bunzenmeyer; Gay Ross; Kelly Turner; Margaret McLeod; Ray Griffiths; Brian Cianone.
With the assistance of a $3,000 loan the company bought the yearling steers last November. As opposed to last year's loss of $80 on the one steer, the group hopes to at least break even this year. The past harsh winter may put a crimp into that hope as more feed was consumed than expected. The sales of today and tomorrow will tell.
As well as the dollars and cents of ranching the students cover all of the other related subjects. Included was the registering of the KSS Cattle Company's own brand, the lazy KS. — Kamloops Daily Sentinel